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Category: Biomaterials

Bone Marrow Aspiration and Delivery System
A minimally invasive way to harvest bone marrow


Bone marrow aspirate (BMA) is an alternative to traditionally harvested iliac crest without the associated complications or morbidity.1 Surgeons can easily aspirate BMA from several anatomical locations throughout the body including iliac crest, vertebral body or calcaneus. The Imbibe bone marrow aspiration needles provide you a minimally invasive way to harvest bone marrow. These needles come with either sharp beveled or trocar stylets, which are color coded to distinguish each needle. 
  • Bullet-tip stylet design for controlled navigation
  • Trocar and bevel cutting stylet to penetrate cortical bone
  • Color-coded stylets to quickly and easily identify sharp-tip vs. bullet-tip design
  • Optimized fenestrated hole design and placement
  • Ergonomic handle for surgeon control and comfort
  • Unique snap-lock design promotes a secure connection between stylet and handle
  • Hammering platform
  • Versatility, useful for multiple anatomic locations
  • Multiple needle sizes and styles available (11 gauge x 4 inch, 11gauge x 6 inch, 8 gauge x 6 inch, 8 gauge x 8 inch, and a fenestrated 8 gauge x 6 inch)
  • 10, 20 and 30cc syringe options
  1. Muschler, G.F., Nakamoto, C., Griffith, L.G., Engineering Principles of Clinical Cell-Based Tissue Engineering. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 2004; 86(7): 1541.

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